Edna was a dear and lovely, generous and caring friend to me for many years. I loved our conversations about life, love, family and faith. I loved her sense of humour and her impulse to be kind and helpful however and wherever she could. She took a keen interest in my daughter Rowan, who used to call her "Aunty Nedna" when she was little, and all my family ups and downs, remembering to ask how everyone was doing. I know that her great enjoyment of life was subdued when Neville passed, even though she kept going. She will be much missed, but I take comfort in the thought of their happy reunion.
17th February 2021
I had the pleasure of meeting your lovely Mum a couple of times at the Faff Room. I remember the party at the opening - your Mum never stopped smiling, she was so proud of you and what you had achieved - and rightly so. xx
8th February 2021
You will never be far from me as I hold you in my heart and have you guide me in everything I do! Love you always - Amanda x
6th February 2021